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NF C74-330-2010 医疗用电气设备.第2-35部分:应用于加热的毛毯,衬垫或床垫及医用加热装置基本安全性及基本性能的详细规范

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-29 01:28:45  浏览:9182   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE AMS3120
Title:Enamel, Glyceryl Phthalate, Black Baking (Cancelled Jun 2009)
Issuing Committee:Ams G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
Scope:This specification has been declared “CANCELLED” by the Aerospace Materials Division, SAE, as of June 2009. By this action, this document will remain listed in the Numerical Section of the Index of Aerospace Material Specifications indicating that it has been “CANCELLED”.Cancelled specifications are available from SAE.
